October Releases: New Insights, White Label Customization

Discover powerful insights on response times with LocalClarity's dashboard update. Meet customer expectations, analyze review sources, and explore social sign-up options.

November 5, 2019
6 min read

New Dashboard Insights, Response Time Histogram

Our latest Review Dashboard update includes industry-leading visibility to the timing of responses to customer reviews.

Most platforms present response time as a simple average (mean) across a time range. This metric, however, is too simplistic to provide insights into actual customer experiences. A single late response can wreak havoc on the mean, despite representing just an individual customer’s experience.

The LocalClarity histogram presents the actual response breakdown into time blocks (from under 4 hours to beyond 14 days), color-coded for reference. Shades of blue represent responses under 2 days (the general expectation of customers). Green shades represent responses within four days. Past that time range, orange shades highlight missed expectations while grey holds the bucket of responses a full 2 weeks after the initial customer feedback is provided.

This new insight is especially beneficial for brands interested in making certain that teams are meeting customer’s feedback expectations and for agencies tasked with specific response SLAs.

As with all of the new family of LocalClarity charts, users can access the details in Excel, csv, or json. They can also download the chart as a .png, .jpeg, or even .pdf. Log into the platform today and click on Response Time in the main review dashboard.


Please note that the chart currently presents the response time breakdown of only Google reviews. It also ignores any reviews that have been edited by the customer after the response, as these would be “negative” response times.

Social Sign-Up

LocalClarity now offers users the ability to leverage their Google or Microsoft accounts for initial sign-up. The email option will remain available as well.

In the coming months, we will be extending platform access with several options for single sign-on (SS)) across and between SaaS platforms. If you have a specific need for SSO, please email us today with requirements.

Google Review Source, API vs pub/sub

We have added a new data element, Source Type, to all review downloads. To explain the value of understanding each review’s source type, a little background detail is warranted.

LocalClarity accesses every new Google review from two distinct systems. First, the pub/sub process allows us to bring in reviews in real-time throughout each day. Overnight, we access the entire account data set (reviews, listing data, and insights) via multiple API connections.

Both processes are required to make certain that every review is available in the ReviewsInbox and all KPI reporting. Unfortunately, Google does not maintain 100% reliability for every real-time review. Some review notices are never sent due to sporadic outages at Google (maybe 1-2% of all reviews). Other notices are blocked at the location level (thankfully, this is quite rare).

The final category for missed live reviews relates to the connections permitted by Google. A GMB account can have an unlimited number of API connections to its data, but only one pub/sub connection. If a LocalClarity profile is missing all live notices of reviews, it’s most likely because another technology vendor (or the brand itself) is controlling the pub/sub access.

This new data point is now presented in all review downloads so that clients and LocalClarity staff have easy access to review origin details. Users can access the download report from the ReviewsInbox ™ or from Settings > Review Download.

Local Performance, Table Search & Sort

Some of the best platform enhancements are those that simply improve daily workflows. This enhancement certainly falls into that “quality-of-life” category.

In the Local Performance section, users can now search by location name or sort the data table alphabetically by name. This section will receive a number of updates in November & December to help brands and agencies gain additional control over their reporting.

White Label, Customization

Every month we provide additional customization tools for our white label agency offering. In October, we released three updates.

Report Email Subject Lines

All emails from the platform (scheduled reports, downloads, and real-time notices) can now have customize email subject lines at the partner-domain level.

Integration Partner List

Partners who work in certain industries or countries can now customize the list of review integration partners presented within their domain. Domain admins can simply turn off the integrations they wish to hid.

Happiness/NPS Calculation Method

Partners can now set the calculation for the Happiness Score presented for each profile within their domain. The two standard options are:

% of 5-Star & 4-Star Reviews minus the % of 1-Star & 2-Star Reviews
% of 5-Star Reviews minus the % of 1-Star, 2-Star & 3-Star Reviews

We expect November to be a big month for enhancements. As always, please let us know if you have questions about these enhancements or if you have a suggestion.

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