Local Listings Management

Be found. Everywhere.

From search engines to maps, your listings will be found everywhere your consumers are looking. Local Listings puts you in control of your brand’s local experience.

Brands using LocalClarity for Local Listing management.

Dominate Local Search

Grow your local search & map presence with the tools to achieve perfect data alignment

Local Listings

Scale Effortlessly

LocalClarity's intuitive modules, powerful analytics, and flexible workflows ensure that your listings are optimized for all local search ranking factors.

One Click,  Update 10 to 10,000 Listings
User-friendly interfaces simplify the creation, update, and publication of location listings across search engines and maps, giving you full control over the platforms critical to your business.
Comprehensive Control
Gain real-time control of your listings on Google, Apple, Facebook, Bing, TrustPilot, Waze, and the App Stores. Additionally, enjoy visibility into integrations with Yelp, TripAdvisor, and over 50 other platforms.

For more information, please refer to our Integrations list.
Transparent Listing Strength
Each listing is evaluated using over 17 local search ranking and engagement criteria, providing clear insights into how each one contributes to your goals of being found, being selected, and creating raving fans for your brand.
Actionable Insights
With LocalClarity, you'll not only receive a comprehensive health score for each of your listings, but we also provide a tailored roadmap designed specifically to improve these scores.

This means you're equipped with clear, actionable strategies to enhance the visibility and effectiveness of each location.
Work your Way
LocalClarity is built to support a diverse range of internal processes for local listing management, complete with validation workflows to ensure edits are processed exactly as intended.
Extreme Versatility
Our platform is super flexible—it lets you manage your listings your way. Whether you need strict oversight from your corporate office or you want to give your local managers the reins, we’ve got you covered. You can tweak each profile with specific user controls to match exactly how you like to do things.

It’s all about making our controls fit your style and strategy.
Live Spreadsheets
The platform uniquely enables direct management through connected Google Sheets, offering unparalleled control and visibility over listing details via spreadsheet maintenance.
Unparalleled Efficiency
LocalClarity makes it really easy to manage lots of edits across different locations. Whether you're just copying and pasting or getting into some detailed spreadsheet filtering, you can update hundreds or even thousands of listing details quickly.

Just updated the Google sheet, hit publish, and take a peek at the activity log to confirm all the changes have gone through. Simple as that!
Global Ready
Search engine listing management across 245 countries.
Local Listings
Be found and selected in local search by creating, managing, and optimizing local content and media assets across destinations and search engines in real-time.

AI Powered Control

Harness Artificial Intelligence to manage your listings, respond to reviews, and so much more. Experience unprecedented ease and efficiency in enhancing your brand's presence and performance.

AI Powered Listing Control
Leverage the power of generative AI to experience unprecedented control and efficiency. Simply "chat" to find the locations needing updates and instruct the agent to make the necessary changes. Lia builds and transmit your instructions.
AI Wave
Lead the Revolution
Experiencing the remarkable efficiency of AI-driven intent execution will make you wish for the same client-centric approach in all your software. Expect new capabilities added to the platform each month to continuously streamline your workflows.
Flexible Search
Core local listing details are made available to the AI model, enabling you to craft natural search queries to easily identify update opportunities.
Precise Control
Engage Lia by simply asking, for example, 'List all locations where Google is publicly presenting a different phone number or URL from the confirmed database.' The model will return a list of all listings matching your query. You can then make updates to this listing set directly using the same chat interface.

By using this powerful toolset, you can ensure data consistency and accuracy almost effortlessly.
Powerful Editing Capabilities
The AI model actually builds the code to publish edits to Google, Apple, Bing and other platforms based on your instructions. This is what gives the process unparalleled flexibility.
Human Validation
Rest assured, every listing edit undergoes a thorough validation process before publication, first by a separate AI agent and then by a real human.

Initially, you can expect all edit updates to be processed within eight business hours.
Remarkable Efficiency
Work that previously took minutes or even hours with traditional software workflows can now be completed in seconds. The more complex the search or the more comprehensive the updates, the greater the time savings with Lia.
Cutting-Edge Productivity
Once you experience the future of enterprise software interfaces, you'll never want to return to the old way of working. There's no longer a need to invest time in training just to leverage the capabilities of the platform.

Go directly from intent to action.

Listing Transparency

LocalClarity goes beyond merely publishing your listing details by offering full Listing Transparency, ensures you know exactly what potential customers see when they search for your business locations.

Locked Listings
Prevent unauthorized changes to your listing details with LocalClarity’s rejection automations. Our deep integrations empower you to maintain 'locked listings,' ensuring full control over your business information against edits by search engines or the public.
Audit Assurance
We advise all new clients to start with our TrueListings audit to identify and correct any listing discrepancies. Once updates are made, set up an Automation to lock your listings securely in place.

Gain visibility into the frequency of edit attempts through our comprehensive public edit reporting, ensuring you stay informed and in control at all times.
Audit Logs
Track every listing detail edit with our nightly sync logs. Easily access the dates of changes and specific from/to edits to maintain thorough oversight of your listings.
Historical Clarity
Ever wonder 'When did this change?' or 'What was the setting for this location last year?' Such questions are beyond the scope of your Google account or other local listing management platforms.

LocalClarity ensures comprehensive historical data preservation by allocating storage for every recognized edit at all your locations, maintaining these records for the entire duration of our relationship.
Many are unaware of the extent to which data in Google Business Profiles differs from what potential customers actually see. LocalClarity's TrueListings service exposes these critical discrepancies, ensuring that each of your locations accurately reflects your brand to the public.
Discrepancy Insights
In our extensive experience with hundreds of large-scale accounts, not once have we encountered a perfect match between Google Business Profile data and its public presentation.

A key initial step with new clients involves providing them with their first insights into these discrepancies and outlining the necessary steps to rectify any inaccuracies.

Professional Services

We are committed to your journey every step of the way. We are committed to the idea that "your success is our success", and driving tangible results is what we do best.

More than Just Software
LocalClarity is transforming the industry with an unprecedented functionality-to-cost ratio, setting a new standard in value. This is just the starting point. Beyond our powerful software, we include professional services tailored to address your pain points and enhance your strategic initiatives.
A True Partner
At LocalClarity, we understand that one size does not fit all. That's why we offer more than just software; we provide tailored solutions and dedicated support to meet your specific needs.

Whether you're facing unique challenges or seizing new opportunities, our team works closely with you to ensure our technology aligns perfectly with your business goals.
An Extension of your Team
Enhance your local return by integrating LocalClarity's skilled Client Success staff into your team. We offer more than just platform onboarding and training; we provide continuous support and strategic assistance.
Team Extension
Need to update hours for the holidays, or onboard 500 new location managers with a tailored campaign? Facing a big meeting that requires a custom data extraction and detailed reporting?

Our dedicated Client Success team acts as an extension of your own, ready to tackle any challenge and ensure you're equipped for success.
Full Service Management
Unlock Full-Service Local Presence Management at a fraction of the cost of standard software-only offerings. Our comprehensive solution provides everything multi-location businesses need, from listings management to advanced analytics.
Strategic & Tactical Plan Execution
Our full-service offering encompasses everything from accurate listings and review management to custom analytics and proactive strategy planning. We’re here not just to support, but to drive significant growth for each local outlet.

Trust us to take your business to new heights with tailored solutions that make a real difference.
Jim D.M.
Co-Cofounder + Creative Director
The value they deliver, both in product and service, far surpasses many other platforms in the market. It's been instrumental in our brand's online reputation management.
Case Study
National bakery chain achieves perfect listing synchronization with zero  IT effort.

A rapidly growing brand struggled to continuously update their regular and special holiday hours on Google maps and search.

View Details

Generative AI

LocalClarity takes review responses to the next level with AI-assisted replies

More Vibrant
Than Ever


See the Future

Learn from the global leaders and shape the future.
Sentiment Analysis


Explore our  workshops led by industry experts.
Custom AI Agents


Join us for a night of celebration at an unforgettable party.
Answers to

Listing Questions

Can I update my store hours and holidays in bulk?
Will adding Services improve my search rank?
What counts as a billable location?
Which platforms can be directly managed?
Why cant I just set and forget my listings?
How can I increase leads from my local search results?
Do I have to sign a contract to use LocalClarity?
Can I add appointment links to my listings?
Do you offer traditional citation management?
Can I view my historic listing detail record?

Starting with LocalClarity is easy

Unlimited Reporting
Unlimited Users
Pro Services
Unlimited Automations
10X Compeitor Tracking
Bi-Monthly Updates
100 Free CMS Items
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Reporting
Unlimited Automations
10X Compeitor Tracking
Bi-Monthly Updates
100 Free CMS Items
Unmetered Professional Services
Get Started for Free
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