Release Note

Google Profile 'Relations' Data

Realease Notes
Google Profile 'Relations' Data
July 13, 2023

LocalClarity has introduced an update that enables users to view new Google Business Profile "Relations" data in their downloads.  

Profile relation data allows Google, and subsequently LocalClarity, to accurately represent the parent-child location relationship for multi-location brands, where certain locations function as independent establishments while others are considered child locations (e.g., departments within a store).  


The download feature now includes six additional data points related to profile data: DepartmentID, DepartmentName, ChainID, ChainName, IndependentID, and IndependentName. This information provides valuable insights into the hierarchical structure of multi-location businesses.

What's Next

LocalClarity has plans to enhance the platform's by incorporating this relation data directly within the interface . Soon, users will have a more intuitive and visual way to access and understand the parent-child relationships of their Google Business Profiles.

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