Release Note

Facebook Public Comments

Realease Notes
Facebook Public Comments
July 13, 2023

LocalClarity is excited to announce an enhancement to our Facebook review management. Users can now see public comments and responses posted on reviews within their Facebook Local profile.

Previously, a Facebook user's comment on an organization's Facebook review would result in the corresponding review being marked as closed in the LocalClarity platform, preventing users from responding within the platform. This issue prompted the need for increased visibility for Facebook data in platform.


Users now have the option to enable a "View all Facebook Comments" button in their settings, which provides access to the complete thread of Facebook comments. Additionally, the platform now distinguishes the business's own comment as a response, while public comments are displayed in gray and right-justified within the workflow, ensuring better visibility into Facebook reviews and responses.

What's Next

LocalClarity is committed to expanding its capabilities in line with Facebook's updates. In the future, the aim is to provide further visibility by improving our visual threaded/nested Facebook content for a more comprehensive view of interactions. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us at