Release Note

AI Update for Sentiment Analysis

Realease Notes
AI Update for Sentiment Analysis
July 25, 2023

Our latest update introduces powerful AI enhancements that bring significant improvements to Sentiment Analysis on our platform. By leveraging OpenAI, we have implemented new processes for comprehensive language analysis of all reviews, enabling valuable insights into Sentiment and Emotional analysis. We have also expanded control options, allowing users to select the language of topic identification according to their preferences for consistent reporting.

Recognizing the importance of Sentiment Analysis in understanding customer feedback, we have been working to enhance this feature by taking advantage of new capabilities offered by OpenAI to receive more structured and consistent responses.


New Backend Prompt Workflows:

LocalClarity now works with OpenAI in a threaded prompt-response structure that allows us to lock in the form and structure of the topic identification, sentiment scoring, and emotion detection.

Multi-Lingual Topic Identification:

This new approach allows for most consistent control over the language of the AI-determined topics identified in each review comment block. Clients with reviews in multiple languages can now see more language consistent topic and sentiment labeling (e.g. English reviews will have English topics and sentiment while Portuguese reviews will have Portuguese classification).

Language Controls:

We also understand that sometimes clients will need to aggregate topics into a single language for universal reporting. A new control has been added to Review Settings allowing Admins to select the language for Sentiment analysis.

What's Next

Our commitment to enhancing Sentiment Analysis doesn't stop here. We are busy working on in-platform aggregate reporting for Sentiment Analysis, but in the meantime we would be happy to provide custom reporting. Reach out to your Client Success representative or email us at and we will work to provide you with initial reporting for your profile. Stay tuned!