The Death of Citation Management as a Ranking Signal Copy

Gone are the days when simply listing your business on as many directories as possible was the primary process to achieve a boost in your local search rankings.

February 6, 2024
5 min read

In the rapidly evolving landscape of local SEO, the effectiveness and value of legacy directory citations have come under scrutiny. The articles presented below delve into the ongoing debate surrounding the relevance of citations in the current SEO environment, especially as they relate to established multi-location brands.

Drawing on insights from industry leaders and recent studies, we explore whether citations still hold any weight for businesses aiming to enhance their local online presence, especially for established brands with multiple locations.


Local Rankings - Non Search Engine Citations are #44
“Some of the biggest decreases occurred with link factors. This echoes the trend we’re seeing this year with a decrease in the link factor groups at the top of this page. On page & content signals are up, link signals are down."
This list represents a compilation of local search ranking factors as compiled by a business that sells citation management, but citations first appear as #44 on the list. Importantly, the list of experts voting to compile the lists lean heavily into small business local rank optimization. The ranking would be even lower for established multi-location brands."

Limited to No Value
“But as I said at Local U Advanced four years ago, I fear that the primary reason agencies are still selling NAP consistency is that it’s relatively easy to fulfill. NAP consistency as an SEO tactic makes great sense for the agency (or software company) but no longer for the average local business or even enterprise brand.”

Do local citations matter anymore?
“If a business has their data correct on their website and can get their data straightened away at Google, Facebook and maybe Yelp, there is no need for a citation campaign and certainly no need for a recurring cost to do so. Then what function or role do citations continue to play? In terms of discovery and keyword searches, their value is very limited if not quite zero but in terms of recovery searches (i.e., someone looking your address), given the fragmentation there, they continue to play a role.“

No Impact on Rankings
“Did the citations impact rankings? A small boost, but nothing dramatic. Citations are more of a foundational factor than a rankings booster. You’ll have a hard time ranking without them, but other tactics in local search will be more likely to move the needle.”

All Calls From Directory Listings are Solicitations
“100% of the calls a SMB got from 3rd party directories using a call tracking number in @DarrenShaw_ 's case study were sales calls, not clients.”

The Yext Challenge
(No test was conducted, threads demonstrate some strong opinions on the matter)“Hypothesis: cancelling Yext would have no negative impact on rankings whatsoever. Any multi-location brands out there want to run a test with me? I’ll setup all the tracking and do the analysis. You just need to cancel a few locations.”

Citations are (almost) dead
“So, we’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, as a company you must - in order to be ranked higher than your competitors - respond to all reviews, be active with pictures and have a high frequency in your work in GMB.”

Do Directory Backlinks Hurt Your SEO?
“If you didn’t realize this already, no one really uses business directories anymore, because they’re out of fashion. Between 1990 and 2005 people were using business directories online because they were a great way to find other businesses. But these days, most people use social media, and they’re using Google Maps. If you’re expecting any sort of referral traffic from a business directory, chances are that you’re going to be disappointed.”

Are Web Directories Still Relevant for SEO in 2022?
“Web Directories have been the norm for the world wide web and for search engine optimization for a long time. But are they still relevant in this age of advanced AI Google Updates? According to Google's John Mueller said, ‘in general, no’.”


The once-critical role of citations in local SEO strategies has diminished significantly. As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, so too must the approaches to optimizing local search discovery and rankings.  The priority should now be on engaging directly with customers through responding to review, answering questions, and sharing posts, while taking advantage of all opportunities to share your offering through additional categories, services, and products.

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