LocalClarity’s Client Success Framework: Your Success is Our Success

Following our defined Customer Success roadmap helps our clients have a clear gameplan for success.

May 6, 2024
5 min read

A successful Local SEO strategy requires more than just a powerful Local reputation platform. It takes a dynamic partnership with that SaaS provider to truly excel in the space.

As a Client Success Manager at LocalClarity, I want to show you how we act as an extension of your team and how we mean it when we say that your success is our success.

Our Approach to Local-SEO Success

Much like our parent company seoClarity, we believe in a continuous communicative relationship that long outlasts onboarding. In fact, we've worked with (and learned from) thousands of brands across a multitude of industry types from all over the world… See what they have to say about us on G2.

These partnerships have helped us refine our processes and create a Local Success Program that we help our clients apply. It begins with how to build a More Perfect Listing — our term for an optimized listing that is equipped to be both proactive and reactive.

With unlimited access to your data, multichannel communication, and common objectives, you can demonstrate to your organization that Local SEO benefits every team at your company. Ongoing strategy sessions allows us to continually align LocalClarity to what your company’s goals are. We adapt to your priorities with a bi-weekly release schedule.

Our enterprise Competitor Review Tracking lets you set up Competitive Analysis that allows you to keep tabs on how you're positioning against your competition. Not only do you get to see your competitor's review scores, but you can download the reviews and share them with your team to find areas of interest.

We share updates on the ever-changing Google landscape, including changes that impact specific industries, so you can stay up to date with the latest in Local.

Our approach to Local success all comes down to our 3-stage success blueprint. I’ll explain this in more detail down below, but the blueprint lets you scale your efforts and operationalize your listings with role-based training and workflows. We help you identify the most impactful and repeatable workflows based on your KPIs.

Onboarding, Transition, and Support

Before I explain our unique framework to SEO success, I want to highlight some of the advantages of working with a dedicated Client Success Manager (like me!) at LocalClarity.

Dedicated Client Success Team

LocalClarity clients don’t only have a dedicated Client Success Manager, there's a whole team to support you as we strive to offer support for as much of the day as possible, to help our clients all over the world.

Complete Transition Management

To get you up and running in the LocalClarity platform, we’ll help you get started with connected your Authorized/Indexed Integrations, create location groups, find gaps in your GBP health, and more.

Success Blueprint Coaching

Have a specific question? We have specific answers. Simply ask us about a workflow and our team will tailor a training video to show you and your team how to achieve your task. We do it with you while simultaneously teaching you how to do it.

Unlimited Training

We make it easy to simplify Local SEO throughout your entire organization. One way we do this is with role-based training and new user onboarding. For example, there are different workflows for a local marketer, a content writer, data scientist, etc.

A Local Listing platform benefits every team in an organization. We help you find (and demonstrate) that value.

The Client Success Blueprint

The Client Success Blueprint is the timeline that takes you from onboarding to Local Reputation success. As soon as you connect your Google listings you are ready to roll with full platform access from the jump.

Most of the setup gets done in the first week, and that includes bringing in all of your historic reviews. Within those first couple of weeks, we have a structured onboarding call that addresses your specific needs and challenges in Local Reputation Management. This is followed by additional calls to setup structured/specific campaigns and best practices.

After a couple of months, we will evaluate initial benchmarks for your goals and optimize if needed. This is also where we work with you to align the platform with any additional challenges that you want to take on.

Let’s break down each stage of the blueprint.

Stage 1: Structure

Purpose: Building the foundation to operationalize your listings.

A successful Local Reputation program has a logical and planned structure. In this stage, we work on centralizing your data so you can have a single source of truth for your Local reporting.

Think of it as having everything under one roof, Google, Facebook, TripAdvisor, etc.

The structure stage also involves location grouping, and organizing the data so it can tell a meaningful story for your goals and objectives. To scale processes even further, we help you implement automation for review response and reporting. The LocalClarity platform is full of features that can be automated, all to make your job a little easier.

Stage 2: Strategy, State of Affairs

Purpose: Benchmark and strategize

The strategy stage begins with a Local Analysis, which takes a look at your listings and any gaps that are apparent.

We identify areas where you can react, improve, grow, and recoup. This is all in an effort to benchmark performance so we can track progress in the future. To achieve that growth and progress, we also define a go-forward strategy in this stage.

Stage 3: Scale, Improve Performance

Purpose: Deliver playbooks, workflows, and insights

We have an established methodology at LocalClarity that we call the Local Trinity: Reviews, SEO, & Social. This checks to see that your local listings are optimized in all three, receiving and responding to reviews at scale, technically structured listings to improve Local Search Rankings, and keeping the public informed with Google Posts.

We’ll also cover pragmatic Local marketing, user persona training, and ongoing analysis, and insights during this stage.

An Ongoing Partnership

This is more than a “subscription” — it’s a partnership. The entirety of our partnership is packed full of value, insightful deliverables, project management, and ongoing Local maintenance so you can strive towards a More Perfect Listing.

We’ll help you build a roadmap for Local success and meet you where you are in your Local Reputation journey; addressing your specific industry, projects, success metrics, and needs. When we onboard you, we do so with your real location data. No fake location data.

We want to see your locations outperform your competition, so it bears repeating: your success is our success.

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