July Release Notes: Response Variables, New Support Options

Release Notes is our monthly update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.

August 5, 2019
4 min read

Variables for Review Response Templates

LocalClarity now supports variables in Saved Reply templates to help brands and agencies further simplify, structure, and streamline their review management workflows.

Templates can be constructed to insert content pulled from the review itself (Reviewer Full name, First name, or GMB Location name) and from location-based customer variables assigned in the application (Friendly location name, Geo name, or Signature).

Unique location data can be added to hundreds or even thousands of locations via convenient .csv upload. By leveraging our Saved Replies Library, users will save time and provide more personalized review responses.

Review Variables

{{locationName}} : Official location name provided by GMB
{{reviewerFullName}} : Reviewer full name provided by GMB
{{reviewerFirstName}} : Assumed reviewer first name (characters before the first space in the reviewerFullName)

Location Variables

{{replyLocationName}} : Friendly location name in the event that the official location name is not ideal for a response
{{replyGeoLocationName}} : Friendly name of the city, state, suburb, or neighborhood of the location
{{signature}} : Signature name or phrase to add to the responses based on the location

New ReviewsInbox Folder™

Users will see a new folder in the ReviewsInbox that holds templates with variables. When creating a template, users will need to assign each one to a specific star rating level and provide a variable to identify the template. This additional data is used for reporting of new auto-response campaigns.

Bulk Upload Addition Options

To continue our efforts towards streamlining the application, we have reorganized our Bulk Activity menu, relabeled different actions, and have built out and added functionality. Less time can be spent on trying to recall what labels hold what function, but rather can be spent focusing on the task at hand.

Create Entity Tag/Bulk Upload/Manage (Updated)

To provide more transparency with working through different processes, it’s become a necessity to update the labels for entity tag creation. The UI for this process has become not only simpler but also more intuitive for the user.

Upload Location Mapping (Updated)

As our review integration partners grow and change their own interface, we must as well change the way we organize the data for individual locations. As such, we have added new variables reflective of that.

Bulk Upload Questions & Answers/History (New)

As previously announced, the ability to upload Google Q&A in bulk has been added. This is especially advantageous as Google continues to stress the importance of Q&A with recent updates.

Bulk Upload Location Details/Aliases

Each location can have up to three location-based variables to power response templates. The csv file upload makes it easy to assign content for all locations in each profile.

New Support Options + Knowledge Base

To better accommodate our users, we have implemented within each profile a more robust support option with links to our Knowledge Base, Feature Requests, and Help Desk.

This new section was created to provide more transparency between users and the platform. With this users can:

1) Search our extensive knowledge base to read Best Practice articles, get tips on the industry, learn how to participate in new case studies, and much more.

2) Make requests for development items, new features, functionality, etc. Our roadmap is completely built out from requests made by clients; If you have a request, share it with us using our Feature Requests link.

3) Have an issue or notice a bug? Best way to report this to us is using our Help Desk. This allows you to create a support ticket right within the application, allowing us to begin assisting you sooner.

Click to Knowledge Base

New Report Type: Google Questions & Answers

In line with several new features and improvements we’ve added this year, today we released a new reporting option in an effort to continue to provide convenient monitoring for Google Q&A.

Additional Monitoring

This new reporting option sends out notices of any questions that were received from either the prior day, week, or month; Allowing brands and their agencies to track and answer questions with on-brand and relevant answers in a timely manner.

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