How To Optimize Your Google My Business Profile

A carefully curating a Google My Business Profile (Now referred to as Google Business Profile) is essential to boost local SEO rankings.


The profile must have your accurate location details and this step is extremely important to rising up the SEO rankings. You should ideally have photos of your location or nearby famous landmarks in order to make things easier for prospective customers to find. it’s critical to have all the listings for your business use the exact same address.


By pictures, we mean real, authentic photos of you and your staff with customers rather than stock photos that look like they were lifted from Getty Images. According to Google, businesses with photos receive 35% more click-throughs to their websites and 42% more requests for driving directions than businesses that don’t have photos.

The photos need to be personalized in order to ensure that prospective customers can build a connection with them. Have a photo of yourself, your staff, different aspects of the building, and, most crucially, customers who genuinely look like they are having a good time. Make sure to add these three important photos in the right resolution – a logo, a profile photo, and a cover photo.

NAP consistency (as of 2023, this is no longer a major ranking factor).

Your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) must be consistent across all social media platforms, websites, and any other online portal that houses details of your business.

NAP consistency is crucial for the local SEO rankings as Google Search’s algorithms automatically discredit a business that has entered inconsistent information across multiple platforms. We recommend that you review your Google Business Profile listing every couple of days to ensure that no external parties accidentally enter incorrect information and cost your business.

Store hours

Store Opening Hours – Many customers search online to see when businesses are open. In Google Business Profile, you can set working hours for each of your store locations. Also, the “special hours” section in Google Business Profile lets you override the business hours for specific times and dates.

Your Google Business Profile is incredibly important if you seek to make a dent in the local market. It essentially boils down to ensuring accuracy and consistency across platforms, but it can often lead to errors as businesses focus their resources on other aspects of the business. Check GBP Insights often in order to ensure that your profile continues to stand out.

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